sexta-feira, maio 27, 2005

O viajante

"Que destino pode ser superior ao de um Imperador?
- O do viajante, quando completa a sua viagem."

As mãos

As duas mãos

quarta-feira, maio 25, 2005

Everything is teaching us

à hora do almoço no Jardim das Virtudes

terça-feira, maio 17, 2005

Iluminação e Parinirvana

Comemora-se na próxima 2.ª feira, dia 23 de Maio, a Iluminação e o Parinirvana do Senhor Buda Shakyamuni, segundo o calendário tibetano. De manhã haverá uma libertação de animais. Quem quiser contribuir, pode contactar-nos... email

segunda-feira, maio 16, 2005

Workshop - dia 29/5/2005


O Qi Gong (Chi Kung) significa "treinar as energias" tanto internas como externas e consiste então numa ginástica energética praticada regularmente para manutenção e equilíbrio das energias mas também como complemento terapêutico para uma convalescença. É uma técnica com raízes milenares e baseia-se em posturas e movimentos de animais. Ajuda a flexiblilizar o corpo tanto a nível físico como energético e pretende desfazer ou prevenir os bloqueios de energia de forma a evitar a doença ou a ajudar a curá-la. Este sistema de auto-cura e auto-energização inclui posturas paradas, em movimento, exercícios de respiração, práticas meditativas e de condução de energia Qi (Chi) através do corpo e da mente.

Manhã - das 11 às 13h
Noções básicas
Exercícios básicos das portas

Tarde - das 14 às 17h30
Exercícios yang/yin
Exercícios terapêuticos das 18 palmas de Luchan
Exercícios de concentração energética do Qi
Exercícios de meditação taoísta "abrir a porta do céu e acalmar o espírito"
Entrega de certificados

Número mínimo 9 pessoas
Local: CREU, rua Oliveira monteiro 562
Preço: €35 (estudantes €30 e membros da UBP €25)

Ringu Tulku no Algarve

Mais ensinamentos de Verão:

Ringu Tulku vai ensinar em Humkara Dzong (Algarve), onde comentará "As trinta e sete práticas dos Bodhisattvas", de Gyelse Thogme Zangpo, de Quarta 10 de Agosto a Domingo 14 de Agosto.

Ogyen Kunzang Chöling – Portugal
Rua do Salitre, 117 - 1250-198 Lisboa
Tél. + 351 21 314 20 38
Fax. + 351 21 315 15 24

Mosteiro: Humkara Dzong
Moinho do Malhão
Salir - 8100-997 Loulé
Tel. + 351 289 48 90 62

sexta-feira, maio 13, 2005

quinta-feira, maio 12, 2005


"Zazen is the cessation of the everyday business of thinking! Doing nothing, expecting nothing, getting nothing - sometimes it may appear to be so simple that we might not continue practising. However, we should not be sitting machines. If our everyday lives are unsound, it is impossible to practise the real way of zazen. Zazen is the son of daily life - if not, it is a lie - and at the same time, zazen is the mother of daily life.

We do not need a particular time in order to have space in our hearts for calling back the essential wisdom. It is enough if we sit in calmness for a while each day. Being busy is different from having no room in our hearts. Therefore, however busy we may be, we will find that we can sit; we always find time in our life for eating and sleeping. Thus, if we say that we have no time for meditation, we are really saying that we have some other priority. We should, please, examine ourselves what is the most profound priority in our soul?

We are all beginners. This is not only true, but necessary - even for someone who has been practising for more than one hundred years. This is not trite sentiment. We need the beginner's mind in everything, whatever we do, whoever we are. Expert practitioners are naturally able to discern and rectify their attitudes and actions the moment the need arises. They are always able to abandon their own selves. They are always beginners.

This is the meditation of infinite awakening; this sitting does not remain as our own."

Programa de Verão em Jiko An


7 - 10
Family Constellations with Teresa Bucero

Based on Bert Hellinger¹s sistemic therapy, Family Constellations put the individual in touch with a family soul (the deep consciousness directing the destiny of a family) offering the possibility to heal the past and establish a new order between its members. A new perspective on life emerges from the recognition of what is and from the love born out of our experience of unity with all living beings. Possible to attend the course in order just to come in touch with this therapy or to work aspects of one¹s life, family or couple relationships.
Doshin is a disciple of Zen Master Hôgen who trained in Family Constellations with Holistic Therapist Carmen Garcia Pedrosa. With Teresa Bucero directs ³El Vivero², an agrocenter near Madrid dedicated to personal growth and organic farming.

11 - 17
Shiatsu Massage with Angeles Sanchez Ramos

Shiatsu is a traditionnal massage from Japan. The pressure is realized by the fingers though its origin is the centre of the Self (Hara), opening in such a way a path towards the conscious fusion with the universal Chi.
Angeles Sanchez Ramos studied at the Shiatsu European School fin the line of Masunaga Sensei (Zen Shiatsu). Lives in Malaga.

22 - 24
Introduction to Zen with Shingan (Francis)

In this course, basic instructions will be given about zazen and other zen practices according to the teachings of Zen Master Hôgen Yamahata (Soto Zen School).

25 - 31
Zen Meditation Retreat with Shingan (Francis)

A sesshin is an intensive period of meditation, open to all, experienced practitioners or beginners, though it might be advisable to have previous experience or have followed some introduction course.

³We give up all the things we usually have in our daily life, we cut ourselves off our habitual current. We need to fast from thinking and the sesshin offers us that space of silence to help us free ourselves from our habits. ³ Hôgen


8 - 14
Four Seasons - Inspiration of Creation...
Chi Kung... Shiatsu... with Rolando Geider

Rolando Geider studied at the Shiatsu European School in the line of Masunaga Sensei (Zen Shiatsu). Also practices Qi Gong and Reiki. Lives in Malaga.

15 - 21
Zen Meditation Retreat with Shingan (Francis)

24 - 28
Yoga with Juan Carlos Marquez

Practices of Hatha Yoga (Physical Yoga), Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of the Heart), Karma Yoga (Yoga in Action) and Silence Practices.
"Through Yoga the body is adorned with grace, beauty, strength, energy and firmness." YOGASUTRA III, 47
Juan Carlos Marquez of the Sadhana School. Lives in Sevilla.


8 - 11
Holotropic Breathwork & Zen Meditation
with Isabel Marquina, Mariano Cruz Fajardo & Shingan (Francis)

Through a slightly faster and deeper breathing, we reach an altered state of consciousness in which starts an exploration work of our psyche. With the help of our ²Ïnner Healer², we get in touch with those forgotten experiences that left their prints in our ways of perceiving and responding to life.
We will alternate Breathing with some Zen Meditation practice, that is, moments of silent inner alertness, in an attitude of complete presence to what the present moment offers us, without choice or preference, opening to the spaciousness of Here-Now. We would like to let you know that the practice of Holotropic Breathwork can give rise to an important physical or emotional activity. For this reason, the therapy is not indicated in case of pregnancy, heart disease, glaucoma, epilepsy, severe infeccious processes, severe psychiatric disorders, bone fractures and recent surgery interventions.
Isabel and Mariano were trained by Stan Groff and his collaborators. Certified by GTT.

23 - 25
Family Constellations
with Doshin (Ignacio de la Fuente)

Shingan Francis Chauvet is director of Jikô An under the spiritual guidance of Zen Master Hôgen Yamahata.

18.460 YEGEN
(Granada) - SPAIN
Tel: 958.34.31.85.// 958.85.13.44.

Jiko-An is a Zen Meditation Centre located in the Alpujarras, Sierra Nevada (at about 4,500 feet), which was founded by Japanese Zen Master Hôgen Yamahata. Surrounded by silent and spacious mountains, the Mediterranean sea in the distance, it is an ideal place to relax and discover the profundity of our spiritual dimension.

Jikô An is a non-profit making centre. It means that the prices we suggest only cover food and lodging, maintenance, organisation and the teachers’ travel expenses (according to each one’s economical situation):

20 Euros /day, student or unemployed
23 Euros /day, low income
26 Euros /day, high income

Free donation for the activities. We have a donation box at your disposition to help the teachers to keep sharing their practices.

terça-feira, maio 03, 2005

Mergulhar no silêncio... no Porto

Existe um mundo para lá das palavras, dos conceitos e abstracções. Um mundo onde a experiência é directa e indescritível. Aqui o coração fala e a mente escuta. É extremamente simples e muito bonito.

Este retiro é um mergulho no silêncio. Uma oportunidade para despir a superficialidade dos nossos enredos habituais e mergulharmos mais fundo. O elemento transformador da nossa experiência em retiro é a tomada de consciência que se aprofunda a cada instante.

Este processo é facilitado por um programa de actividades:
Através do asana (posturas do yoga) desbloqueamos o corpo, trazendo-lhe vitalidade e bem-estar. A respiração, elo de ligação entre o corpo e a mente, é feita mais consciente com exercícios de respiração. Ao meditarmos, temos a preciosa oportunidade de iluminarmos os aspectos mais subtis da nossa vivência. Igualmente importante, é permitirmo-nos espaço e tempo para simplesmente estar, descontrair, passear, cheirar a terra e abraçar o céu.

Sagarapriya é praticante do budismo e de yoga desde há quinze anos. Foi ordenado na Western Buddhist Order em 1998, durante o período de cinco anos em que viveu com os seus mestres em Inglaterra. Desde então tem também praticado com mestres de outras tradições budistas, tanto no Ocidente como na Ásia.

Trazer: calçado para o campo e para andar dentro de casa. Se tiver, traga o seu tapete de yoga.

Chegada: 10 de Junho, sexta-feira, às 10.00h
Partida: 12 de Junho, domingo, 17.00h

Mais informações "de ordem prática" brevemente